Should I Use AI-Generated Content For SEO?

Why using 100% AI-generated content for your blog or social media is dumb.

Feb. 1, 2024

In the digital age, content is the holy grail when it comes to SEO. Busy business owners and entrepreneurs try to keep up with creating content by turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to “solve” their content problem. After all, AI-generated content is fast and seems efficient. What could go wrong? It’s also dirt cheap to get AI to generate content, so what’s not to love? The problem is, leaning on AI-generated text is one of the worst things you can do for your SEO (and your business in the long run).

Here’s why.

The Disadvantages Of AI-Generated Content For Your SEO

1: Lack Of Originality And Human Touch

AI is fast, but the tradeoff is that it lacks the warmth and depth a human writer brings. In fact, since AI is so “perfectly uniform” in generating content, it actually feels 100% like a robot wrote it. Your readers will not be captivated by someone writing for them that acts like it’s on massive amounts of caffeine.

2: Quality Control

Sometimes, the AI will generate content that’s simply incorrect. This is not common, but does happen probably 1-3% of the time. This is because the AI isn’t writing “from scratch,” but rather just scanning a giant database of patterns and trying to emulate them. So as a result, there might be some “off” sentences or inferences that the AI makes that is simply wrong. If you’re trying to wake someone up “with a kiss” and your AI content instead tells you to “wake someone up with a brick,” you’ve got a serious problem.

3: SEO Penalties

Google's not penalizing AI content now. But that could change tomorrow. Google has a very good idea on what content is valuable and what content is content-for-content’s-sake. If your website has a lot of content plugged with AI-generated text, you are going to get penalized HARD for it. This will ruin your SEO and is the equivalent of a death sentence as far as your business is concerned.

4: No Human Connection

AI cannot replicate your voice, personal touch, or storytelling capabilities. And it’s your voice that allows you to resonate with people, build a brand, and ultimately make more money.

The Solution With Mochi Human Text

This is where Mochi Human Text really wows the audience. Mochi Human Text is designed to convert your AI-generated text to human-written text easily and seamlessly (think of Mochi Human Text as “self-driving” AI).

Mochi Human Text is trained on YOUR writing and your writing style, so you get the best of both worlds.

Here’s how Mochi Human Text solves all the above problems.

1: Brings Back Originality And Human Touch

Mochi Human Text builds “you” back into the AI-generated content. This means that every publish you do is consistent with your other content, and is 100% in your voice.

  1. Human Touch: The text is modeled after your personality, so the Mochi-generated text will have all your idiosyncrasies in it.
  2. Quality Control: As long as the writing you feed Mochi is quality, it'll give you quality text. In addition, we're working on some features that'll enhance the grammar / quality of your writing without jeopardizing your voice.
  3. No SEO Penalties: With Mochi Human Text, you pretty much eliminate the SEO risk of having low-quality / duplicate content because the last step – the humanization – ensures a final product that’s legitimately valuable and user-centric (i.e. no lazy content written specifically for search engines).
  4. Re-Establish The Human Connection: You can amplify the awesome power of AI with Mochi Human Text while still being able to resonate deeply with your readers. This forms a stronger connection with your audience which improves loyalty and conversion.

In Conclusion

While AI content is definitely “Yuge” for the future, using AI exclusively for SEO purposes without any regards to the risks is kind of…irresponsible. Mochi Human Text gives you your SEO cake and lets you eat it too. You can get the pure efficiency of AI while letting humans do the last mile of the work to ensure the content is valuable. It’s a giant leap forward in content creation and is here to stay. Enjoy your newfound power as a business owner / content creator.


This was GPT-written (didn't pass AI content detectors), then fed into Mochi Human Text. I made some formatting changes only. Feel free to copy/paste the above to your favorite AI content detector.

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Using AI For SEO